Watch out for that web…(previous post)

(previous post from old blog – only for background or to catch the newbies up)

What a web I am weaving!

So the last couple of posts have been about the temptations that have popped up in my life, the sad or interesting part, (depends how you look at it) 2 previous post haven’t even covered all of that which is tempting me as of late. Yeah, you read that right… there’s more!! I haven’t even told you about CB yet or my ex-husband, two of which I have spoken to lately. CB is a guy I have been friends with for many many years. I don’t even know when exactly we met. We met online, not even sure where either. He could probably tell me though. He lives down near Houston so we didn’t meet in person for quite some time, years actually. A couple of years ago he happened to be in town doing some promotions for his band and wanted to meet up. So I was up for it, and agreed to meet him at the hotel he was staying at. We had a fun evening.  It was nice to finally meet him in person. He just might end up reading this so I’m trying to behave  Well I suppose I left a lasting impression. He did as well !! So now that he’s back home we only get to chat mostly online, or via phone. So he’s always teasing me and giving me a hard time, telling me I should come visit, that we need to hang out again… well he needs to hang out.  He knows I can’t just jump in my car and be there quickly so that’s why I say teasing. Well the other night as I was telling him about my latest temptations and per-dick-a-ment (pun intended) he got a little more intense with his teasing. I already okay’d it with him the sharing of our conversation, so here goes…

After explaining my recent situation –

CB: If you weren’t so sweet and all…
ME: OMG, I need a vacation, ALONE
CB: So drive to Houston, you have a place to stay!
ME: NICE, and just where would I be sleeping?
CB: Next to me
ME: Ahhh ok
CB: In my arms
ME: Ahh and how am I suppose to get any sleep that way? That’s DIVING head first into TROUBLE !!!
CB: It’s a comfortable bed.
ME: Nothing like a little temptation.
CB: We’d both fall asleep
ME: I wasn’t talking about the bed. You think we would sleep huh?
CB: Eventually.
ME:   🙂
CB: Heh, you’re amazing
ME: Why is that?
CB: I’d love to be your temptation!!
ME: Is that so?
CB: Your sweet and sexy and funny
ME: Aww, thanks sweetie. I think I would get in a lot more trouble if you lived closer.
CB: So visit me sometime, we could spend a weekend.
ME: I just might have to do that. I haven’t been down there, so it could be fun.
CB: It will be, and please do. I want you.
ME: You do huh? I bet you say that to all the girls
CB: Only if it’s true.
CB: You’re a tender and talented lover. So passionate.
ME: Sometimes
CB: You make the hottest noises !
ME: Is that so?
CB: and you feel amazing…
ME: now I’m blushing.
CB: I love your curves and your kisses
ME: aww thanks.
CB: The way you responded to my touch.
ME: Is that so?
CB: Yes, I wanted to keep you there all night.
ME: Oh you did, huh?
CB: I did
ME: Well thank you hon.
CB: Remember me luring you back into the room? I wanted more of you and still do !!
ME: Thank you.
CB: You’re welcome Baby
ME: Yet you tease me now.
CB: I do? I want you
ME: That’s always nice to hear, thank you. I also like hearing what you enjoyed.
CB: Your welcome. You are also so yummy too.
ME: Glad you think so !!

So I have this major flirt getting me all excited every few days telling me how much he wants me and all the things he enjoyed about the last time he saw me. I just might have to take him up on his offer to get away for a bit. I need to clear my head, that’s for sure.

So today when I left the office for a brief moment at lunch to go pay a couple of bills I get a text from my ex-husband, JTM. This is the man I thought was going to be my forever. I had been engaged prior and been proposed to prior and could not go through with it. I waited for JTM. Our relationship was a whirlwind. It was over as fast as it started. Things changed once we said I do and then I discovered that I really didn’t.  I later found out that he was not really the person he portrayed himself to be and was quite the bad boy. We separated 4 days after our 1 yr anniversary and were divorced immediately. I spoke to him a couple of times shortly after to basically say no hard feelings and then poof he was gone. I hadn’t heard from or seen him in over 5 years until a couple of months ago when he found me on FB. I was shocked. We exchanged messages back and forth a few times catching up. He saw that I was in a relationship and gave me congrats. He called me a couple of times to talk about what has happened over the years. He ended up getting 3 DWI’s and going to jail for over 4 years. The day he got out he contacted me. Well that’s sorta got to make you feel good that you left such a lasting impression on someone, unless of course they are hunting you down to kill you.  I don’t think that’s the goal in this case. I’m pretty positive it’s not. Anyway, he texted me today asking how I was and such. He then came out and asked if I would like to get together and visit, perhaps this weekend if I had time. I said that Chunk is off on Saturdays and so that I could do it on Sunday. He asked what was a good time and I said noonish to early afternoon. What the hell was I thinking? He said he was excited to see me and couldn’t wait. I wanted to kick my own ass at that point. Now I am questioning if I should say something to Chunk about going to meet up with JTM on Sunday or what? I have no idea what to do? I plan on talking to JTM about Chunk and about my MM… I don’t want JTM to get the idea in his head that there will be anything going down, especially not me!! It just stirs up to many emotions. I love this guy to this day deep down. I’m not in love with him, but I don’t think it would take much to pull me to the dark side. What the hell is wrong with me lately. I am on a quest for some danger, some mystery, some misbehaving.

I had a friend tell me today that he thought I might be bored with Chunk and that I am just needing to be wanted by someone else right now. That makes sense except the later part. I know I am wanted, not to sound conceited, but there are a few old flames, friends that I could call up and say yes to their many offers to take me out. I haven’t because I have been trying to be a good girlfriend. So I don’t think it’s that I need to be wanted by someone else… I think the bottom line is, I might need to be fucked by someone else. With all that’s going on in our lives (Chunk and I) we have become workaholics and we work, work, work, go to school, come home, cook, clean, homework, sleep and do it all over again. Our sex life has gotten pretty boring. He’s forgotten how to warm up the oven as of late. I prefer lately just to fiddle myself or refer to my trusty pleasure pal. He always gets the job done and doesn’t waste any time either.  I can’t remember the last time Chunk just threw me down and fucked me. That’s what I need I think. Who the hell knows? I don’t that’s for sure. I am only guessing. Well up until now I am guessing. I will be figuring this mess out soon enough and I will be sure to keep you posted on my findings.

Hope you all have a fantastic week.